Sundays 10 AM - 12 Noon
Wednesdays 6 PM - 7 PM
Central Standard Time (CST) Zone

upcoming event

5615 Hohman Avenue
Hammond IN 46320

Welcome to the family.

Faith Statement


The bible is the word of God given to us for salvation. We believe that the Bible is completely true, relevant and accurate.


We believe in the triune God existing in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


Jesus Christ is the Son of God the father. He came to the world purposely to save sinners according to the scriptures. He has existed throughout eternity, one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. He is, the only begotten Son of God and the beloved of God. Jesus Christ will return to establish the kingdom of God on earth, and rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords with His saints forever.


Salvation is a gift from God through grace and faith in Christ Jesus. All who believe in the name of Jesus Christ may be saved by repentance, accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, and by believing in the death and resurrection of Christ.


Is available to all who have ben saved, and is evidenced by the gift of speaking in tongues.


By immersion in water as Jesus Christ was baptized.


Sanctification means to be set apart from sin, to live a life of holiness, purity, and perfection of character.


Christ’s death on the cross not only bore our sins but also our sicknesses. We may receive healing through prayer, laying of hands and anointing with oil in the name of Jesus Christ.


The rapture describes an event in the future when Jesus Christ will, come back to earth to take his saints and children home to Heaven. Unfortunately, hell is reserved for folks who do not accept the gift of salvation.


By immersion in water as Jesus Christ was baptized.


Restitution is the act of restoring anything to its rightful owner. It is an act of giving an equivalent for loss or damage. Restitution that would implicate others or bring injury or harm to others, needs care and God’s wisdom. In such cases, it is necessary to seek counseling from a faithful, experienced, competent, matured Christian teacher and preacher (who, of course, believes and teaches “the whole counsel of God”).


Holy Communion is a memorial of Christ’s suffering, death and a prophecy of His second coming. Jesus Christ commanded the church to do it in His remembrance.

Our Mission

  1. To ultimately make heaven.
  2. To spread the love of Jesus Christ.
  3. To equip people to find and live in God’s plan for their life.
  4. To evangelize and plant as many churches as possible in our neighborhood and abroad.
  5. To take as many people as we can with us to heaven through
    1. Practical teaching of the Bible and Holy living
    2. Intense Prayers and High Worship using our standard the Holy Bible.
Message from the Minister

Sufficient Grace Chapel is a family church. A church that God has raised to restore broken homes and lives. We care for everyone particularly your household. We believe in knowledge for knowledge is power if thoroughly obtained. For as it is written in the scripture Hosea 4:6 (My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge). Through the study of the word of God “The Holy Bible”, prayer, counseling, practical teachings, praise and worship, we acquire the heavenly knowledge and equip with the spirit of God’s wisdom.

In God we stand, through whom spirit we are bound together in unity. With God our name has proven itself in all ramifications of life. His grace is sufficient and we are living in abundance of grace ever since we started. Love and faith are our key words, so if you are looking for a bible believing church where there are full practical message, prayer and holiness, Sufficient Grace Chapel is a home for you and your family. Join us to celebrate Jesus Christ in one of our services. We look forward to having you. Thank you for visiting Sufficient Grace Chapel. God Bless you!

Minister in Charge

Bankole K. Fasanya